Marriage is a gift of Allah for men and women that requires respect, love, and patience to succeed. Several factors contribute to a happy married life, and Islamic culture and teachings play an important part.
The Quran emphasizes the values and rights of marriage for a happy and successful married life. Let’s look at the importance of marriage life in Islam.
Importance of Marriage in Islam
[Surah Nur verse 32, chapter 24] ‘And marry the single among you and the virtuous among your males and females. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them with his blessings and Allah all-encompassing and knowing.’
Allah has mentioned and emphasized marriage in several Surahs. Males and females who have the blessings of Allah and provisions to marry should marry. Marriage is not just about marrying but also about taking all the necessary responsibilities for a married life.
Lots of families from countries like Pakistan, India, United Kingdom – UK don’t accept Rishta or marriage proposals until the person has a certain financial status with their own house. Financial stability is a valid reason to ensure the person can provide the spouse with food, and shelter and fulfill the spouse’s necessities. Whereas someone’s character is also the most important aspect when looking for a life partner.
Everyone faces ups and downs in life. The financial situation can never be the same and may change after marriage. Couples with good and strong character with stand by each other even in hard times.
In Islam, if someone is financially stable then they should marry. Those who can’t financially support their spouse should fast as this protects them from bad thoughts.

Responsibility As a Spouse
Allah says in Suran Baqarah verse 187 ‘Your spouse are clothing for you as you are for them.’
Couples should talk and resolve any issues between themselves and should not discuss their things with other people. These days we often see husband or wife post their issues on social media and try to degrade their partner in front of others. This may results a weak relationships that can lead to divorce.
Husband or wife should not tell each other weaknesses to others. Partners can’t defuse the situation by discussing personal issues with others and on social media.
Both the wife and husband have a responsibility to protect each other weaknesses and hide them from others. It strengthens the relationship and increases respect and regard for each other.
Partners need to care for and look after each other. If one is feeling down and other partner should be ready to support. Husband and wife need to regard and accept each other rights. A happy couple does things with mutual understanding to ensure that they rely on and trust each other.
Be Kind to Your Wife
Islam teaches you to be kind to your wife. Listen to her thoughts. Give respect and talk to your wife nicely. Fulfill their reasonable demands. Get them their favorite things and buy them gifts from time to time as this makes the relationship stronger.
Marriage is an agreement between couples that includes the amount of dowry and any other terms and conditions at the time of marriage. Breaking the agreed terms is not fair and not a good deed in Islam.
If the marriage did not work out for any reason then don’t take back what you gave them at the time of marriage. Men should treat their partners with kindness and let them leave the house with respect.
The couple will be happy and good for the overall home environment when they are committed and honest by showing their true and sincere actions and intentions to each other.
Nikkahmee Matchmaking App
Nikkahmee Matrimony app encourages all married couples to be patient, understand, respect, and regard each other’s thoughts. If you looking for a Rishta for yourself, your son, daughter, or a relative then free download and join the Nikkahmee Muslim Matchmaking app from the Play Store and App Store and connect to thousands of verified people who are looking to get married.
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